Cosine Gaming Blog

A Blog about games, new CG projects, and more.

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God, I just love GNU/Linux

I installed GNU/Linux (gNewSense, based off Debian) about a month ago. I know what you're thinking, "Whaaaat? But she's such a l33t haxx0r, she only just got GNU?" To which I would respond: Yes, that is correct. What is wrong with me? I held back because I was scared. Now, I had had some experience with GNU/Linux, and I was well in touch with the philosophy. I tried to use free software as much as possible on Windows. But the bulk my experience with GNU had been with an ancient old laptop without even support for libc6. Yeah. I couldn't even install Firefox or Iceweasel on that thing. So I had always figured that I wouldn't want that on my desktop. In addition, I knew I needed Windows for gaming, and also for distributing my games to Windows users (the widest audience). Keeping in mind Stallman's quote about defenestration and dual booting, I thought I'd just keep everything on Windows and not have to worry about switching in between ... (Read full post)

Subreddit Classifier

Hey check out this new project I'm working on, subreddit classifier.

To quote the readme:

This is a toolkit for classifying images from different subreddits from It downloads as many pictures from /r/all and a few chosen subreddits and sorts them for training / test data. It then (as of now) uses a Convolutional Neural Network to train on training data and learn to classify images by sub.

In the future it will be used to do funny things with false-positives. For example, the original hope was to classify images in /r/all that would "belong" in /r/me_irl and post "Me too thanks."

Website Redesign

So I never mentioned, I redesigned the website! Let me know what you think. It's based on Google's Material Design and tries to look more modern and do better with mobile. The design seems to be extremely divisive. Some say they preferred the old one, some prefer the new one. Everyone seems to agree that the new one is cleaner, more inviting, and more modern. The protesters (with whom I agree) say that this is exactly what's bad - it seems canned, unoriginal, boring, and less targeted. But, I need inviting because my Bounce Rate is so huge. Also redesigning is always loads of fun, and a good test of how semantic my HTML is. (Actually decently so!)

The Library is Awesome

Ok, so I'm a huge procrastinator. Well, I'm not that huge, but you get the idea. And I've looked up a lot on procrastination. (While procrastinating... you'll know what I'm talking about if you do it. ^.^) And it's all bull. I'm sorry, but Nothing out there is useful. It's all crap like "Eat that frog." You ever hear that crap? Such bad advice. Not only is it Not What You Should Do, the idea is "If you aren't very good at doing work, what you should really do is Do the Hardest Work Possible." Yeah thanks, that makes So Much Sense. But, I have found something that works for me, and I'm so excited I wanted to share. (Emphasis on For Me, everyone is different!) And it's not complicated or based on Brain Science or some expert or hard or anything like that. You know what it is?

Go to the freaking library. The library is the bomb. When I go to the library, it's impossible for me to procrastinate, and I'm like 10X more productive. I'll go into more detail about why I think it works, ... (Read full post)

The Last Year (Apology)

So in the last year, I've done pretty much nothing here. One reason is the discontinuation of the Indigo Engine. I have a lot to say about this and I'll put it in another post later. Another reason is I was really busy with life. I had a lot of schoolwork that... let's say... wasn't scheduled well. So, let's be honest, I haven't really made anything. I did redesign the website! And I released Flip (which is cool! You should check it out). But besides that, not much. So, uh, yeah, I guess, sorry. For anyone who cares. List of people who care:

List complete. Ok, but anyway, hopefully I can make some games for this soon. Also PIneaPplez13 is making an Android business sim for himself which I'm super excited about and I'll definitely post a link to it here without his permission when he releases it.